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From: This place is turning nasty (and not in a good way) by lakatill12

This is a forum devoted to masturbation. That naturally includes fetishes and fantasies.

While I don't agree with every fetish, I've found that there is generally a strong amount of support here for those differences. In this generally open space it strikes me as odd to see men criticizing others for fetishes they disagree with, while simultaneously their profiles express interests that a great many would label as equally distasteful. Surely we should be able to understand that much like we wish to explore our own interests, so should we respect that in others.

There are countless people in the world who would define us all as sick for being on this forum at all. If others show respect for your personal choices, please do the same for them.

From: Can't stand her politics but by lakatill12

People in here can't even jerk off without getting angry about politics.

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