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From: Squirting again, after all these years. by Striker58

Just wondered if this has happened to anybody else. I've been jacking since I was 13, and I'm now 59. I didn't jack much, maybe couple times a month for years, and when I'd cum, it would just ooze out and run down the shaft. Well, 2 years ago, I found Jackinchat and started jacking sometimes everyday, a few times even twice per day. Recently, I've noticed that now, when I cum, I'm squirting again like a teenager. Is this because of the extra "exercise" I've been giving my prostate, etc? Has this happened to anybody else? I'm enjoying the squirting again, and thought I'd share it with you guys. Thanks Jackinchat!

From: For the married folks. About the wife. by Striker58

My two cents worth, my wife and I played sex games with another couple when we were younger. We didn't swap, but came close a few times. My wife and the guy, who was a good friend of mine, decided to have their fun outside of our respective marriages, and carried on an affair that ended with his marriage breaking up, and mine almost didn't survive. It's fun if nothing like this ever happens, but if I had it to do over again, we would have skipped the sexual adventures and kept our sex at home, between only us.

From: For the married folks. About the wife. by Striker58

We tried sharing partners once, and it was fun and exciting for a while. The fun stopped when my wife and the other guy decided to have their fun by themselves, without their spouses. This went on for 3 years with her and him being unfaithful and lying, and when it was all over, I realized that I was somewhat at fault because I had sort of started it in the first place with my insisting that we play sex games. Anyway, we salvaged our marriage and have been together for 40 years now, the other marriage involved didn't survive. Before you go down this path, think about the damage that can be done. It hurts much more to have your spouse lie to you than to watch them with someone else.

From: Hardness, trouble ejacualating and frequency by Striker58

You didn't mention any medications you might be on, but I had a similar experience. My Doc put me on antidepressants, the new one's like Prozac and Lexapro. After a few months of this, I noticed that my erections were soft and rubbery, and no matter how hard and long my wife or I would stoke me, I couldn't cum. I found out that this medicine is also used to help young men delay ejaculation when they were cumming too soon. Just thought I'd mention it as a possible solution, of course stress with cause it as well.

From: Testosterone by Striker58

I've now been taking T injections for over a year and the affects have been noticeable, but not "earthshaking". I do feel better, have more energy, more interest and more sex drive. Sex drive was significantly greater, about like I was 30 again, and luckily my wife didn't mind more sex, but, a few months ago, I was diagnosed with high blood pressure (not connected to the T injections) and now the meds I'm taking for that have done away with my sex drive, my long lasting erections, and now my wood is more like a green sapling, if you know what I mean, Lol. You should get it checked and it will make a difference in your life.

From: Getting caught! by Striker58

I'm from Indiana, and I saw on the news the other night where a public official was in a public restroom, and while he was in there, he caught the eye of another guy that seemed interested. He promptly started jacking as the other guy watched. It got more intense and he asked the guy if he'd like to touch him. I guess he put on quite a show, got finished, and it was at this time that the other guy pulled his badge and arrested him for lewd behavior. It was on the evening news, family is disgraced, kids are ashamed, life is ruined, etc.
I was just wondering, has this or similar happened to anybody here? How many of you have to register as sex offenders because you made an error in judgment. I hear all of these stories, but I never hear about the ones that don't work out....like this one.

From: porn star you have cum to the most by Striker58

Definitely Alison Angel!! Most beautiful girl in the world.

From: INDIANA by Striker58

I'd love to get more info.

From: Two couples - Two beds - One room by Striker58

My wife and I and another couple did these kinds of things a lot when we were younger (per my earlier post). One time I had built a fire in the fireplace and we wanted to have sex in the floor in front of the fire. We had a small sleeping bag that we opened up to use as a cushion and us and the other couple made love side by side, sometimes touching because we were so close. It was very erotic. My wife and I would always finish first, then just lay and watch, get horny and go again.

From: Stopping wanking during orgasm by Striker58

lovetojack said:
Sometimes when I stop stroking before orgasm, I can cum and then start stroking and cum again. Anyone else do that?

I do this as well. I've been practicing, and now almost every time, I can stop at the exact point before I orgasm and I get a full load of cum without a full orgasm. It feels like a mini orgasm. I lose a little erection, but not the desire and it comes back fast so I can stroke to completion.

From: Two couples - Two beds - One room by Striker58

SexyLeslie said:
I think two couples having sex in the same room is very erotic and sexually thrilling. I've done it a few times and every time it's been terrific. Hearing and seeing another couple indulging in a variety of sexual episodes, and you doing the same thing, really gets me off. When I've been involved in sex like this a couple of times we actually swapped and a couple of times we girls got it on while the boys watched, but mainly it's been two by two. I love listening and watching another girl cum.

I agree with Leslie, all the wet sounds from all the sex being had, the moans and soft vocal sounds. The loud orgasm sounds, the fast, heavy breathing, and knowing when someone from the other couple is about to cum, and them knowing when you're about to. My wife and I use to do it quite often with another couple and I can tell you that it's great! Site, sounds and smells.

From: Caught with dick in hand? by Striker58

When I was about 15, my family was out in the yard. I had to go inside for something and while there, I noticed a Sears catalog on the bar. I whipped out my dick, turned to the women's bra pictures and started stroking. I was about to blow when my mom walked in. There was a large window in the door and I've always wondered how long she stood there and watched before opening the door. It was never mentioned.

From: avoiding things to jack off. by Striker58

pmont said:
Weekends are the times I get to crank up the Marshall and play guitar for hours. If my wife is out in the morning I will delay turning on the guitar and jack. I just play later in the afternoon.

Same here, except I crank up the Peavey. Have delayed that to pleasure myself.

From: guys in indiana by Striker58

Little older, but love to jack. Maybe some group, but must be discreet. 40 minutes south of Bloomington. PM me or my emails in my profile.

From: older strokers by Striker58

What do mean by "Today's guys". I feel that I am a "today's guy", and I've been one since I was "yesterday's guy" Jacked then, jack now! Only difference, it's better now. I like hearing from the older guys, it's kinda like being in an exclusive club!

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